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First Day

Capture d’écran 2024-07-25 à 16.25.14.png

TV Series 

Languages: English, Greek, French, Luxembourgish,

German, Lithuanian

Writer and Showrunner: Gintare Parulyte

Produced by: Deal Productions (LU)

Co-Producer: Zanzibar (IE)

With the support of: Film Fund Luxembourg and Screen Ireland


Genre: Social Drama, Anthology


Status: Development

"First Day" is a 7-part drama series of 25-minute episodes set in the present-day and taking place in a different European city. The series title refers to the premise of each episode - a character's first day at a new workplace - as well as reflects the conclusion of each story, where the effects of a new encounter provoke a first day of a new, changed life.

About the Writer and Showrunner:

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